How Long Do Dental Crowns Last? Signs It’s Time for a Replacement

Dental Crown Replace by Dentist in Airdrie

Dental crowns are a common and effective solution for restoring damaged or weakened teeth, helping you maintain both function and aesthetics. Whether you’ve received a crown due to decay, a root canal, or cosmetic reasons, it’s natural to wonder how long they last and when they might need replacement.

After all, your smile plays a big role in your confidence and everyday comfort. Understanding the lifespan of a dental crown and recognizing the signs that indicate replacement is necessary can help you maintain optimal oral health.

At Airdrie 8th Street Dental, our team is here to guide you through every step and ensure your dental crowns remain in excellent condition for years to come.

When Dental Crowns are Recommended

  1. You have a tooth that requires a filling that will exceed the natural tooth structure.
  2. Your teeth have extensive damage, tooth decay and/or fracture lines.
  3. Your teeth are discoloured and have compromised tooth aesthetics.
  4. Your teeth have undergone Root Canal Therapy. After root canal therapy, teeth become brittle and are more susceptible to fracture. Root-canaled teeth need to be protected with dental crowns.

When Should The Dental Crown Be Replaced?

Let’s take a look at some of the most common signs that your dental crowns need replacing.

1. Pain or swelling around the tooth

If your dental crown is causing pain or swelling near the tooth, book an appointment with your Airdrie dental clinic right away. The increase in sensitivity may indicate an outdated, broken, or improperly placed crown. In some cases, a crown may only need adjustment or repair rather than a full replacement.

2. The gum line is receding.

Bacteria is more likely to gather on the surface of gums around a dental crown than around a natural tooth, which can lead to gum complications. Good oral hygiene helps prevent a receding gum line; however, your gums may still be impacted if the crown is improperly placed.

Call your dentists if you notice an increase in sensitivity near the gums or if your tooth looks longer, which are symptoms of a receding gum line.

3. The dental crown is old

The average life span of an Airdrie dental crown is 10-15 years with proper care, depending on the material it’s made with. If the crown is older than 10 years, your dentist will keep a close eye on its condition and may recommend replacing the crown before any issues arise.

4. Wear and tear

A worn crown will likely need to be replaced. If a dental crown wears down before its expected life span or you need to replace it, your dentist will identify any underlying issues that may be causing the damage.

Bruxism (teeth grinding), jaw clenching, or poor oral hygiene are common causes of premature crown wear and tear. Dental crown replacement can treat these conditions.

How to Extend the Life of Your Dental Crown

To maximize the lifespan of your dental crown, follow these essential care tips:

  • Maintain good oral hygiene by brushing twice a day and flossing daily.
  • Visit your dentist regularly for check-ups and professional cleanings.
  • Avoid chewing hard foods like ice, hard candy, and nuts that could damage the crown.
  • Wear a nightguard if you grind your teeth (bruxism) to protect the crown from excessive wear.
  • Limit stain-causing foods and drinks like coffee, tea, and red wine to keep porcelain crowns looking natural.

These simple steps can help your dental crowns last longer and prevent premature replacements or additional restorations.

Schedule a Crown Check-Up With Airdrie 8th Street Dental

If you suspect your dental crown may need replacement or want to ensure its longevity, visit a trusted dentist for a professional evaluation.

At Airdrie 8th Street Dental, our experienced team provides high-quality dental crowns to restore and enhance your smile. Schedule an appointment today to maintain your oral health and keep your crowns in top condition!

Dr. Rahul Mathur

Medically reviewed by Dr. Ratul Mathur - DDS, a Registered Dentist. on February 12th, 2025