Wisdom Teeth Extraction Services in Airdrie

Wisdom Teeth Extraction Services in Airdrie

Wisdom teeth are the furthest rear molars in your mouth and usually, the last teeth to develop, often causing problems as they make their way to the surface, leading to discomfort and pain. Wisdom teeth extraction services performed by a professional at an accredited Airdrie dental clinic can correct any issues that arise during an eruption.

When is wisdom teeth extraction required?

One of the most common reasons for wisdom teeth extraction services is lack of jaw space causing teeth to push against the gums and bone causing severe pain to the patient. This is known as “Impacted Wisdom Teeth” and is impossible to predict due to the cause of this phenomenon being unclear. Some of the other common issues that may require extraction are:

  • Incomplete eruption
  • Diagonal/Horizontal growth
  • Cavities; and
  • Gum disease

Although it is very common for wisdom teeth to be extracted, not everyone requires this service. If you are unsure if you require a wisdom teeth extraction service, contact the professionals at our Airdrie dental clinic, and we will be happy to assist you.

What does the extraction procedure look like?

Prior to extraction, the dental professionals at your Airdrie dental clinic will go through the procedure with you to ensure you are comfortable with everything that will happen during your appointment. 

Extractions are performed under local or general anaesthesia, depending upon the complexity of the service. Once under anaesthesia, your dentist will generally follow these basic steps:

  1. Create an incision in the gum tissue to expose the tooth and bone
  2. Remove any bone that’s blocking access to the root of the tooth
  3. Break the tooth into small, easy-to-extract pieces
  4. Remove all tooth pieces
  5. Clean the extraction site from any debris left over from the removal
  6. Stitch closed the incision to assist in the healing process
  7. Insert gauze over the extraction site to control bleeding and aid in clotting

Post extraction, your dentist will provide you with aftercare instructions. These generally include:

  • How often to change and how long to leave the gauze over the extraction site
  • Recommendations for pain management
  • Directions to promote healing and prevent dry sockets include:
    • Avoiding the use of straws
    • Avoiding spitting
    • Avoiding alcohol, caffeine, carbonated or hot beverages
    • What kinds of foods to eat
    • Tobacco use
    • Limitations on activity
  • Directions on when to book an appointment to have non-dissolving stitches removed
  • Directions for cleaning your mouth

A follow-up appointment isn’t required unless you have stitches to be removed, complications or persistent problems, such as pain, swelling, numbness, or bleeding are experienced. If you develop complications post-service, contact your dental professional to discuss the appropriate course of treatment. 

Dr. Rahul Mathur

Medically reviewed by Dr. Ratul Mathur - DDS, a Registered Dentist. on August 10th, 2022