Showing 11–20 of 29 articles
Children’s Dental Health Clinic
Celebrating National Children’s Dental Health Month With Your Kids

There are many beautiful qualities about your child, but one that jumps out the most is their smile. Your little one’s pearly whites are among the first things they use to greet the world! So their teeth (and oral health in general) must be maintained, and periodically visiting a children’s dentist helps facilitate that.  And…

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Healthy Gums
5 Easy Tips to Maintain Healthy Gums

A healthy mouth includes more than a set of nice, white teeth. As a matter of fact, one of the most significant factors contributing to your oral health is your gums! That’s why you must properly care for and maintain your gums, as any dental hygienist will tell you. Failure to do so could result…

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Wisdom Teeth Extraction Services in Airdrie
Wisdom Teeth Extraction Services in Airdrie

Wisdom teeth are the furthest rear molars in your mouth and usually, the last teeth to develop, often causing problems as they make their way to the surface, leading to discomfort and pain. Wisdom teeth extraction services performed by a professional at an accredited Airdrie dental clinic can correct any issues that arise during an…

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Dental Implant Services in Airdrie
Dental Implant Services in Airdrie: Is It Right For You?

Dental implants are one of the most effective and sturdy ways to replace one or more missing teeth. Although dental implants come with a higher price tag than other tooth replacement options, the results are well worth it. Dental implants can restore the look and function of natural teeth, allowing patients to maintain good bone…

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Oral Health Routine
The Ideal Oral Health Routine | 3 Easy Steps to Optimize Your Dental Health

Dental health has long been associated with overall health – scientists have known this for some time. But how many people actually heed this advice? Well, according to Statistics Canada, not as many as you’d think. In fact, almost 40% of Canadians don’t brush their teeth twice a day, every day, or floss each day…

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Sleep apnea treatment in Airdrie
Suffering from Sleep Apnea? This Dental Treatment may be the Solution You Need

Did you know that 5.4 million Canadians (22% of the population) suffer from sleep apnea? This pervasive disorder is a condition that impacts both your health and emotional wellbeing. And this becomes apparent in the myriad of symptoms that accompany sleep apnea such as daytime sleepiness, loud snoring, sudden awakenings with a sore throat and…

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Dentist hand with partial denture - Airdrie 8th Street Dental
What To Expect With Partial Denture Services in Airdrie

When we think about dentures, we typically think about full or complete dentures that replace a full set of teeth - whether it’s the top jaw, bottom jaw, or both. But did you know partial dentures are available for replacing a few missing teeth? Not quite a bridge and less invasive than dental implants, partial…

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Happy Holidays - Airdrie 8th Street Dental
Happy Holidays from Airdrie 8th Street Dental

We would like to express our thanks and sincere appreciation for every patient who has walked through our office doors. As a dental clinic in Airdrie, we feel truly blessed to be able to help our communities achieve a healthy smile, and we genuinely look forward to seeing you return for your follow-up visits in…

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Girl in Dental Clinic for Dental Hygiene Checkup - Airdrie 8thstreet Dental
Good Dental Hygiene: 5 Tips for Maintaining Your Oral Health

Proper dental hygiene is important for your oral health, but did you know it’s also important for your overall health as well? When most people think of oral hygiene, they typically associate it with just brushing and flossing. And while they’re certainly right in their association, they’re also not seeing the bigger picture when it…

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Can Dental Implants Be Done In a Day What You Need to Know - Airdrie 8th Street Dental
Can Dental Implants Be Done In a Day? What You Need to Know

Are you struggling with brittle and blemished teeth? Do you want a clean, healthy, and natural looking set of pearly whites? Of course you do! But with the busyness of life constantly pulling your time and attention in all directions, you may be wondering: can a dental implant be done in a single day? Great…

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